Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hangin' with kindergartners

My colleague Maureen and I spent our Saturday being the face of Children's Services at LAPL for hundreds of brand-new preschool graduates and their families at Los Angeles Universal Preschool's annual Ready for Kindergarten event.
While kids colored simple die-cut bookmarks (and I'm here to tell you that little kids still love to color! Computers and video games are all very well, but there's nothing like a piece of paper and some markers), Maureen and I chatted to their parents about summer reading club, Read to Me LA, Live Homework Help, GAB, and the wonderful fact that all our branches are air-conditioned. We handed out 250 bags filled with family-related library information before we ran out of bags, and then managed to give away all the rest of our literature as well. A very good day, and one that will hopefully result in at least a few families visiting the library for the first time. Wonderfully, many families were already regulars at their local libraries, and smiled in recognition when I mentioned their children's librarians by name.
Maureen and I don't work with the public in our current jobs, but once a children's librarian, always a children's librarian - we always jump at the chance to represent LAPL at festivals, to visit schools, and to present storytimes. Training, advocacy, collecton development, and program coordination are all very important - but the kids and their families and caregivers make it real.


  1. Great idea to encourage these "graduates" to become little library goers. And the colouring? I honestly believe it is part of our human DNA to want to create. That's why I love all the wonderful digital creative literacies on offer now.

  2. I was out doing a similar thing on Saturday. Kids are so funny when they realize I'm the "library lady"! Wasn't it wet and cold? June gloom came early this year!

  3. さあ、今夏も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか?当サイトは円助交際の逆、つまり女性が男性を円助する『逆円助交際』を提供します。逆円交際を未経験の方でも気軽に遊べる大人のマッチングシステムです。年齢上限・容姿・経験一切問いません。男性の方は無料で登録して頂けます。貴方も新たな出会いを経験してみませんか

  4. みんなの精神年齢を測定できる、メンタル年齢チェッカーで秘められた年齢がズバリわかっちゃう!かわいいあの子も実は精神年齢オバサンということも…合コンや話のネタに一度チャレンジしてみよう

  5. 最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

  6. 最近TVや雑誌で紹介されている家出掲示板では、全国各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出娘のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性の家にでもすぐに泊まりに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか

  7. あなたの性格を、動物に例えて占っちゃいます。もしかしたらこんな動物かも!?動物占いをうまく使って、楽しい人間関係を築いてください

  8. 家出中の女性や泊まる所が無い女性達がネットカフェなどで、飲み放題のドリンクで空腹を満たす生活を送っています。当サイトはそんな女性達をサポートしたいという人たちと困っている女性たちの為のサイトです
