Thursday, December 11, 2008

Libraries Make the National News

Everyone is acknowledging what we librarians knew all along - when times get tough, folks turn to their libraries. Libraries are more necessary than ever, but unfortunately we have very little money to buy books and hire staff.

Los Angeles Public Library had a boom year in 2008, with a record number of card holders and circulation; this despite a period from January to June during which book buying ceased almost entirely.

In this video clip from yesterday's NBC Nightly News, those are LAPL branches you see, although we aren't singled out for mention.


  1. Here's a blog sent to me :
    It is a very long engagement with some blogs that you have already mention. One fine day this list will be complete - till then year's end always means the best is yet to come. In a previous entry you wrote of a year-end fund raiser. Is there an address one could sent items to donate? Yes, it is a dark time ,that is why it is important to have a vocabulary of faith. Namaste, Genie
    P.S..Here's a fine piece on LAPL that aired tonight.-
