Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Huge Honor - The Butterfly Award!

I am so thrilled that Jill of The Well-Read Child (which happens to be one of my favorite blogs) gave me and some other great folks a Butterfly Award for being a "cool blog." Spreading knowledge of and appreciation about other blogs out there is a fantastic idea and I'll be giving a Butterfly Award very soon to some of my faves - I'm not sure how to limit my list, though!


  1. You should check out Discoverybox. They are great for Kids aged 9-12 and have a Turn your Parents Green competition on this month! The prize is a book for children called "How to turn your Parents green".

  2. You go girl !!!!!!!! I love your blog! Your reviews and recommendations have been most helpful.
    Next door the Mervyn's Dept. Store is closing and coupled with the holiday season more YAs are coming by to pick up books and hang out at Panera Bakery. I can see them trying to navigate their adolescence. Richard Rodriguez said in an essay that Mark Twain single handedly invented adolescence in America with his characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. In the old world, children went from childhood to adulthood.
    In modern times, there has been few rituals to help distinguish where teen years end and adulthood begin.
    So many YAs misinterpret traumatic things that happen to them from true initiation. Talks to the young girls have been insightful - they like that in "Juno- the movie", Juno's pregnancy is just some that happened and not a life altering badge of shame. I tell them in real initiation respectful elder guidance is present.
    Sorry I couldn't make it to Laura Miller's reading.
    Best Genie

  3. Thanks, Genie! Having two teenagers in my very own house has been an eye-opener. It's not as hard as I was dreading (no drug use, failing grades, pregnancy!), but plenty of Angst and emotions soaring up and down within minutes. My diary proves that I was the same way...
