Wednesday, September 24, 2008

As if I didn't already have enough on my to-read shelf... are more books (for grown-ups, no less, so probably extra-long!) to add to my already groaning must-read shelf.

The National Book Foundation has released their "5 Under 35" 2008 fiction selections. Thanks to Bookfox for the link.

Slightly old news, but only three of these are in my library system yet anyway - The Man Booker Prize 2008 announced their shortlist earlier this month. These are always worth a read.

I think I need some kind of illness - not life-threatening or contagious, mind you - that will force me to stay in bed all day for a week or a month, eating buttered toast and reading reading reading.


  1. I was only able to find two of the 2008 Man Booker nominees in my library. I've started reading White Tiger, and it's good so far.

    Is it sad that I used to wish for mono when I was a teenager so I could stay home for a month and read?

  2. Sad? No! Sign of a fellow reading addict? Yes!

    On the bright side, at least we'll never run out of our drug of choice - those authors just keep writing.
