Thursday, December 9, 2010

pointy teeth

It brightened my morning to come across an interview with David Shannon in the Los Angeles Times. Although I disagree with the statement that "...Shannon bears little resemblance to the pointy-toothed, pug-faced troublemaker at the center of his much-loved series..." I kinda think he DOES look like that naughty David. See what I mean? (And check out the cake below)

It also gladdened my heart to read Amy (Ask Amy) Dickinson's suggestion that families start a new holiday tradition by leaving children wrapped books on their beds on Christmas morning or on any holiday. She's calling this campaign A Book On Every Bed.

Now if we can just get every influential person out there to delivery a similar message about the importance and joy of sharing books with children, the world will be a better place.


  1. I agree with you--David S. still looks very much like a naughty little boy--especially when you see him in person!

  2. I love the idea of a book on every bed! This year is my niece's first Christmas/first birthday (just two days apart) and I picked out the two books (one for each day) months ago... while choosing I was daydreaming of introducing her to all the best books in pairs for the rest of my life! Once she gets a little older, I think the books will be the night-before presents, so we can read them together before bed.
