Sunday, March 28, 2010

What - me worry?

Being determined to enjoy this gorgeous day, I pushed my netbook away after my last post and got into my running gear. Just before I left the house, my mom called about some stuff I needed to pick up later that day.

Mom: ...and I'll put the key in an envelope for you.

Me: The key?

Mom: The key to the office at UCLA.

Me: ...??

Me: Ohmygod, the class starts this Tuesday!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I mean, I knew I was teaching a 10-week evening class on storytelling and story-based library programming every Tuesday this quarter and I knew it starts March 30 and I'm even prepared for it.

But still!!!!!!!!!!!

The instant surge of terror-fueled adrenalin launched me out the door and I ran like the twin wolves of Obligation and Responsibility were snarling at my heels - which of course they were. But by the time I arrived home, they were trotting at my side, tails wagging - 'cause darn it, I LIKE to be busy and I'm looking forward to teaching this class and I truly love my work.

The lesson?
Turn Stress into Strides! Turn Fear into Forward Motion!

Seriously - it's not about the finish line, but about the joy of the race.

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